Acest Imprint a fost actualizat ultima dată la noiembrie 10, 2022.
Proprietarul acestui sit este:
SKY365 LTD Xpert Crypto is a trading name of Sky365 LTD
Unit 1 Hollies Way, High St, London, Potters Bar EN6 5BH
Regatul Unit
Email: ku.oc.otpyrctrepx@tcatnoc
Număr de telefon: +447879151515
Reprezentantul (reprezentanții) legal (i) al SKY365 LTD, Xpert Crypto is a trading name of Sky365 LTD:
John Smith
1. Generalități
1.1 Suntem înregistrați la Company House cu numărul de licență sau de înregistrare:
1.2 Numele autorității noastre de supraveghere este:
Nu suntem dispuși sau obligați să participăm la procedurile de soluționare a litigiilor în fața unei comisii de arbitraj pentru consumatori.
2. Următoarele informații sunt obligatorii conform legislației germane.
3. Informații suplimentare
The role of this website is just to inform the users and for financial education and we don't offer legal advice
Our site contains the personal ideas and opinions of the courses providers.The information contained on this website is for educational purposes only.There is no recommendation or advice on making any investment decisions,buying or selling any types of stocks,securities or investment advisors.We do not recommend making any investment decisions proposed in the courses.Individuals should find registered investment advisors to help them make investment decision.Although the website providers have strived for providing the most accurate information,there is no guarantee or warranty concerning the reliability, accuracy and completeness of the provided information.Individuals should be cautions about making their own investment decisions.Individuals are solely responsible for their investment decisions.The website providers are not responsible for any liabilities and losses, which may arise from the use and application of the information and strategies proposed in this website.
For the attention of all members: and other exchange platforms are not recommended for beginners.
We do not study exchanges.
We help you make your purchases, but you are responsible for the subsequent management.
For those who have purchased coins in, please:
Check the amount of currency you have now.
If it is less than the quantity purchased, you have the following options:
Transferring coins to an external wallet;
Setting sell on to a large limit so that it cannot be automatically sold from your assets. To do this, click on exchange, spot account, check to be a pair of purchased currency / purchase currency, click on sell, increase the limit to a high level, which does not allow automatic selling;
For starters, avoid trading on the platform that you are familiar with or that you have not studied before or at least after the acquisition to understand the operations behind the platform.
We want to draw your attention with the following aspects:
1: When our team recommends coins and a certain amount for investment, there is a reason: for incipient projects, the potential gain can be very high, but also the associated risks are high.
Therefore, we recommend that in the early stages of a project, you do not make large investments.
2: When you decide to make an investment that is not listed on large platforms, such as, it is necessary to do your own research on the platforms where the currency is listed.
Lack of experience can lead to loss of funds and our support team cannot help you recover them.
Our team studies Crypto Currencies and Blockchain Projects. By default, it has knowledge about the platforms from where it can be purchased and how it is purchased. But we cannot advise you later on trading decisions.
In addition, we give you advice on securing assets, so as not to fall prey to scams and cyber attacks.
But exchange platforms have many functions for trading, which we can not provide support in the absence of additional consultation.
For beginner members, we always advise you to be extra careful when deciding the platform for purchasing an asset.